Society of Advanced Science and Engineering (SASE) is a registered non-profit scientific research and development organization. The society is dedicated to the development of science and engineering, and to the promotion of international communication and cooperation among institutions, researchers and practitioners working in the science and engineering areas, to establish a bridge for researchers and people who love science around the world. We’re actively involved with a wide range of academic activities in the world to providing forums for researchers and scholars to exchange and develop new insights within the science and engineering area.

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SASE is a global scientific and educational organization dedicated to promoting and enhanceing the cooperation and dialogue in academic and institutions devoted to advanced science and engineering technology fields.

  • To promote the best practice standards in the field of academic.
  • Build a bridge of cooperation between research institutions and enterprises
  • To share the world’s advanced technological achievements
  • To creates and disseminates knowledge; shares novel ideas and new findings, and exerts influence in public policy;
  • To announce the newest and advanced conference information
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The SASE is working towards to becoming an influential contributor of scientifically credible and technically sound information with regard to advanced science and engineering in international communities. it's best achieved through international communication and promotes the development of closer links among relevant institutions and individuals around the world.

By sharing resources, research, best practices, upholding certification across the world, and promoting these united efforts between cutting edge technology, groundbreaking engineering and research, the Society aims to connect the advanced science and engineering as a community open to improvement, organization, as well as a global network for professionals to train and educate each other for a better, more sustainable future.


Call for Papers

GTEE 2024 | www.ic-gtee.org

CDICS 2024 | www.cdics.org

ICPEES 2025 | www.icpees.org

RCVE 2024 | www.rcve.org